About CORR


Community Of Resource & Resolution (CORR)

CORR is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide recovery resources for sexual assault survivors, perpetrators, families, and the greater community. CORR was founded by Caprice Haverty, Ph.D. in December 2008 after she had spent twenty years treating people with histories of sexual assault and recognizing the lack of ongoing community support.

CORR is one of few nonprofit support programs for those who have caused sexual harm. We offer several cost-free, monthly support groups where open dialogue, ongoing accountability, and continued involvement with paraprofessionals, professionals, peers, family members, friends, victims, and the community are provided. Attendees come together to share a meal, lend encouragement, problem solve, raise funds, and help one another with challenges such as employment, housing, and everyday accountability and responsibilities.

CORR’s main purpose is to help those who have caused sexual harm as they seek to support each other, their victims, their victim’s families, and to repair the damage of their harm. We help them to integrate with their families and victims through their commitment to do no harm, to offer amends where possible, and to support prevention by contributing to the eradication of sexual abuse. CORR provides treatment referrals and financial assistance to aid healing where necessary. We also support those who have not caused sexual harm but who feel they are at risk for doing so.


AN UNusual Year


The world was required to adapt and exhibit resiliency after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The shutdown was a shared reset of working and personal lives around the globe. Businesses, families and single people alike had to adjust to continue with their lives. Similarly, Community Of Resource & Resolution (CORR) was required to follow suit and, like many, was able to find ways to thrive amidst the disruption of our daily routines.

In 2021, CORR continued to provide cost-free virtual support groups through the Zoom Meeting Platform. With an anticipated reduction in numbers due to the change to virtual meetings, we were pleasantly surprised by new participants and a resolve from a core group of regular attendees. As a result, attendance increased slightly from the previous year with an average attendance of 16 in our Men's group and 21 in our Community group. The Family Support Group remained consistent with its number of attendees throughout the year. Lastly, the Adult Female Survivor Support Group increased the frequency of meetings from once a month to twice monthly with attendance remaining steady. A casualty of the pandemic was the loss of the Teen Female Survivor Support Group. However, we are still looking to identify and assist a program or programs that serve this population. Goals for 2022 include the implementation of a marketing and outreach campaign to increase awareness of the availability of support through CORR’s Family and Adult Female Survivor Support Groups.

As a result of fundraising efforts, CORR was able to provide financial assistance for specialized treatment services to two adults who needed help with paying for mandatory treatment. We are looking to enhance funding to increase our commitment to those in the community needing financial support in areas such as treatment and education.

We are pleased to announce that the Maasai woman we have been assisting with a college education has graduated and is moving forward with her career goals. CORR was able to provide financial assistance through The Safe House Education (SHE) Fund which is an organization that provides refuge and education for Maasai girls who have escaped from their tribal traditions of Female Genital Mutilation (FMG) and early childhood marriage. Our continued goal is to identify and choose local and/or international organizations to support their efforts in ceasing sex trafficking, exploitation, and sexual assault. 

This past year, we increased our number of responses to inmate letters. CORR provided treatment information and resources which included an organization that provides a Reentry Planning Guide to help them strategically plan their return to the community. In addition, we provided two inmates with workbooks to aide in their pursuit of offense-free lifestyles. The coming year includes plans to develop this program to better serve this population.

In November, the Board of Directors had their first in-house Board Retreat. With the theme, “Our Story. Our Mission. Our Plan.”, the Board revised CORR’s mission statement to reflect the growth we have experienced since our inception. We were also able to have meaningful discussions on our organizational story and future plans. Year 2022 includes similar planning sessions to optimize program services and expand our reach.

CORR has been fortunate in that our work is gaining recognition in the service community including funders. As a result, CORR was awarded two grants totaling $26,518 to be used for continued support of our CORR Community and the community at large.

As we join together with those worldwide in accessing our reserves of resiliency, the CORR Board and Advisors look forward to 2022 with renewed energy as we continue to make ripples of positive impact.

President’s Welcome

CORR has moved me personally


I spent my life believing: Men who commit sexual assault are bad people who will never change.  The discovery that my wife had been sexually abused by her father, hardened this belief.

In 2011, my wife was hired as an administrative assistant by Caprice Haverty, PhD, and Anna Weisberg, PhD, co-Executive Directors at A Step Forward, Inc. located in Northern California. A Step Forward’s mission is to support the prevention and eradication of sexual assault through the treatment of individuals impacted by sexual assault, a mission it has carried for more than thirty years. In 2008, A Step Forward created CORR (Community Of Resource & Resolution), the only non-profit program in existence offering free support groups for people with histories of sexual assault.

Alongside her time at A Step Forward, I watched my wife attend to the hard work of confronting her own history of abuse. In addition to the healing she discovered; she was able to access compassion for the men served at A Step Forward.

In 2016, I decided to attend a CORR community meeting with her. I wanted to meet the people she was encountering in these gatherings. Within a few meetings, my judgment began to shift. My pre-conceived notions were challenged. I could see that these people were remorseful and responsible. Moreover, I could see that their accountability was strengthened and supported by CORR.

I have not missed a community meeting since. I am so relieved and grateful to be able to see and feel the humanity in people with histories of committing sexual assault. It is my experience that those at CORR continue to deepen the work begun in treatment, changing themselves and supporting similar people. They are committed to preventing further sexual assault.

I am proud to be the board president of CORR, supporting people to do the right thing by their victims, their victim’s families, and the needs of the wider community I am honored to support.

Again, welcome to our website and please feel free to join us at a suitable CORR meeting.

Bob Jones – President, CORR Board of Directors